The Journey Continues

The Journey Continues

There are some exciting updates regarding Realm of the Rift. We have got the base mechanics right, now is the time to add some exciting gameplay features. The designers brainstormed and are hard at work coming of with fresh ideas to improve on the base game. The feature are listed below -

Sound Design

The sources of adding the sound effects are the following- (, n.d.)


Post Apocalypse Guns Demo (Sound Earth Game Audio, 2023)


RPG Essentials Sound Effects FREE! (leohpaz, 2022)


Free Footsteps System (Pavel Cristian, 2016)


Universe Game Music : Ambient Music (BenBeardMusic, 2022)


Background Music - I used to create a background menu music for the users to enjoy while they log in and see the loading screen. It continues playing as the user is in the lobby and till the time they join the match. Additionally, we used a free asset called Universe Game Music: Ambient Music from the Unity Asset Store to use 2 audio clips for the background music in each Realms. The first soundtrack has a post apocalyptic demonic vibe to it. It plays in the background while the players are in the dark realm, the purpose is to give the players an eerie feeling of them being surrounded by danger. The second soundtrack is for the light realm, the audio is peaceful and angelic. The sound gives the players the feeling of being in a save haven.

Footsteps - A sound pack called Free Footsteps System was imported from the Unity Asset Store for the purpose of adding the footsteps for both the Light and Dark realm players, the sound was then adjusted in the settings panel to make it sound like that the players are walking on a metallic surface. The purpose of doing that is that the map has shiny metallic floors. The footstep sounds can later on be adjusted to sound like the players are walking on a gravel terrain as Map #1 has stone tiles for the floor. Our primary map still remains map #2 as mentioned in previous blogs.

Bullet Sounds - We used Post Apocalypse Guns Demo sound pack from the Unity Asset Store to import various sounds for combat. Some of them include shooting sounds for when the player presses left click to fire bullets, reload sound is played when the players press R key to reload, bullet impact sounds on metallic surfaces when the players shoot at surfaces (or fail to aim properly at the other players), bullet impact sounds when the players are hit by the bullets and sounds of switching weapons. We have only added shooting and reload sounds and plan on using the other audio files to add the sounds mentioned above. This sound pack is my favorite one so far!

Ambient Sounds - We used RPG Essentials Sound Effects FREE! sound pack from the Unity Asset Store to add ambient sounds like jumping sounds when the players press Space Bar and a realm switching WHOOOSH sound when the V key is pressed.

We plan on adding eerie laughing noises to create a sense of danger in the dark realm. A sound of leaves moving when the wind hits them would also be a great addition to the dark realm.

Map #3

I created a third map using the same assets that were used to create the second one. I got inspired by Dust 1 and Dust 2 from Counter Strike to work on this map. It looks similar but has different choke points, more elevated platforms and additional covers at different locations for a variety in player strategies and a different type of warfare vibe.

Dust 2

Counter–Strike's Dust 2: The history of the map

Dust 1

The Making Of: Dust

Reference list

BenBeardMusic (2022). Universe Game Music : Ambient Music | Audio Music | Unity Asset Store. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2024].

leohpaz (2022). RPG Essentials Sound Effects - FREE! | Audio Sound FX | Unity Asset Store. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2024].

Pavel Cristian (2016). Free Footsteps System | Audio | Unity Asset Store. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2024].

Sound Earth Game Audio (2023). Post Apocalypse Guns Demo | Weapons Sound FX | Unity Asset Store. [online] Available at: [Accessed Mar. 24AD]. (n.d.). Soundraw. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Mar. 2024].